

Just Neem, Neem Lotion, Fragrance Free, 8 oz (226 g)

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  • Face & Body

  • Beauty Does Grow On Trees

  • Refresh, Renew, Repair

  • 髮旺旺
  • No Animal Testing

  • Gluten Free

The Secret Is Out!

Experience the soothing, restorative properties of Neem that have been treasured around the world for centuries. Relieve stressed skin, calm irritations 髮旺旺and alleviate dryness - naturally.

床的世界I'm Azadirachta indica!

Or, Neem tree, for short. Living in harsh climates has床的世界 given me amazing healing properties. My leaves, seeds and bark can be used to create beauty products with the same protective qualities. JustNeem, together with villagers in Mauritania, have grown an orchard of fellow Neem trees to keep me company. I guess you could say:

Beauty Does Grow On Trees.

  • Neem for flawless skin

  • Jojoba oil for lasting hydration

  • Botanically-based

  • Sustainably sourced


髮旺旺Just Neem, Neem Lotion, Fragrance Free, 8 oz (226 g)


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